It is!
The Life Book is designed for teens and contains a short recap of the Old Testament, the entire Gospel of John or Mark (ESV), answers to issues you and your friends face, and an opportunity to trust Jesus as Lord and Savior.
The margins are filled with reactions from teens, ranging from an agnostic to a strong believer. This unique, interactive approach points your friends back into the scripture being talked about.
Today, over 4 million students have been involved with the distribution of more than 55 million Life Books. You can too! It's as simple as giving a book to a friend. You can pick up as many Life Books as you can give away at the church. If you run out, get some more!
Students have the right to distribute religious literature, like the Life Book, at school when not engaged in school activities or instruction, subject to the same rules for distributing any other literature that is unrelated to school. Adults do not have this same right, so it's up to you to share this hope.